Important update on Pharmac proposal to fund FreeStyle Libre 2 for all people with type 1 diabetes in New Zealand Read more
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Soy Protein Residue ELISA kit, 48 tests
Standard Eppendorf Tips (ep T.I.P.S range)
Sulfate (as SO42-), Range (100-1000 mg/L)(1000-10000 mg/L) Method titration, 200 tests
Sulfate Test Kit - HI38000
Sulfite Chemical Test Kit - HI3822
SYBR® Advantage® qPCR Premix
Syngene NuGenius
TALON® His-Tag Purification Resin
tdTomato Fluorescent Protein
Tempo filter bags 20x25 (500) - OT-80015
Tempo Kits
Thermometer Control Sentry - DGKX24081B
Thermometer spirit filled -20 to 110 C - DGKX23878A
Thymidine, [Methyl-3H]-, Specific Activity: 20 Ci/mmol, 250 µCi
Total Milk Residue ELISA kit, 48 tests